Saturday, January 13, 2007

How to Brown a Creme Brulee

This is pretty straightforward. With a little practice and a deft hand, you'll get this one down quick, and be able to impress your friends at the next dinner party. This also has a high "poseur" factor. Save yourself the dough and use the torch you can get from the hardware center. Cheaper, and it comes in handy when you need to sweat some copper joints.

We start with the Creme Brulee so.

Next, sprinkle sugar on the top. swirl the Brulee to evenly spread the sugar across the top.

Pour off the excess.........

Then begin with the torch.....start at one edge, and work your way around the Brulee, sweeping the flame from the edge towards the center, in short sweeps. Keep the flame moving, but at a constant height from the Brulee.

Work your way around the Brulee, browning the sugar. It should just begin to bubble as you are finished

When it is done, it will look evenly browned. Give it about a minute or two to let the sugar set. IT'S HOT SO BE CAREFUL!

We garnish with a piece of butterscotch crumble.



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