Spanish Coffee
Hey, This is serious. You are lighting liquor on fire here, so pay attention!
Ok. Here's what you start out with..........
Bacardi 151
Kahlua Coffee Liquor
A thin rimmed glass (we use a port wine glass)
Sugar on a plate
Sliced Lemons
Hot Coffee
Whipped Cream
Nutmeg in a shaker..........

Take one of the sliced Lemons and wet the rim with the lemon juice by pinching a slice of lemon on the rim

Take the glass, and dip it in the sugar.

Place the Glass upright on the bar, and pour in an ounce of Bacardi 151

Pick up the glass by the stem, tilt it at a 45 degree angle, and roll the stem between your thumb and forefinger. Once the rum has coated the inside of the glass, you may light it. BE CAREFUL!

Once lit, continue to turn the glass, tipping the glass toward vertical so the heat carmalizes the rim.(If you are feeling particularly brave, sprinkle a pinch of nutmeg across the flames, which will create a dramatic sparkling effect.)

After about 10 seconds, place the glass on the bar, and immediately pour in 1.5 ounces of Kahlua. Next toss in a splash of Cointreau

Now pour hot coffee in until the glass is almost full (to about 3/4 of an inch of the rim)

And finally, top it off with whipped cream and nutmeg sprinkles. If you do it right, the flame will have just gone out, and the whipped cream will bubble. The drink can be very hot! Be careful!

Enjoy! Remember the Old Rule with this drink, one, two, three, Floor.
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